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Message From BG

I love Wickenburg and am dedicated to serve our residents!

Being a Town Council member since December 2020 has been an honor and privilege for which I am very thankful. I ask for your vote for Mayor so I may continue to serve and be a voice for the residents of Wickenburg.

June 13, 1024

I am very excited to campaign to serve as your next Mayor and am most grateful for the support received. Thank you!

I have been blessed with a variety of work experiences that have made me the strong and effective leader I am today.

Other work experiences are on this website, but I would like to highlight one. I worked 13 years for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association with responsibilities that included almost every aspect of the planning, coordination, and implementation of his crusades in numerous cities in the US as well as one in Canada and several in Europe that often included 5 to 10 days of meetings with attendance at times of over 100,000.

Regarding Town government, I am the most experienced candidate. Since 2011 I attended almost all of the Town Council meetings. For nine years I attended the vast majority of the Planning and Zoning Advisory meetings and the majority of the Economic Development Advisory Commission meetings. I also served three years on the Economic Development Advisory Commission. Once I became a Town Council member in 2020 I have attended an estimated 80% of all of the Town advisory committee and commission meetings. It is very important to me to hear the discussions in those meetings and not just read the summaries in the minutes. Attending these meetings has given me a knowledge base for Town business that is unmatched by my two opponents. Experience matters!

Regarding my proven voting record to protect the Town, here are a few examples:

1. On June 10, 2024, the Town Council conducted our annual Town Manager evaluation. Kristi Henson voted for his raise. I voted no.


2. Regarding our Town budget, it has grown exponentially in the last two years. Kristi Henson voted yes both years.  I voted no both years. I commit to you that I will work very hard to be fiscally responsible. This will include limiting the hiring of high-paid consultants, requiring bids on most projects instead of frequently using cooperative bids from other cities and counties, and reducing the Town Manager’s spending limit without Town Council approval (it is now $50,000.


3. Regarding the grant from Maricopa County to the Town for the 208-unit affordable housing apartments. This $10M is to be loaned from the Town to Gorman and Company for 30 years at 0% interest. My vote was not because I am opposed to affordable or low-income housing. It was because I am very concerned about using federal dollars where the rules of the game could change. Also, the grant document was worded in such a way that I was confident that the Town was not protected. As an example, quoting from the Grant Agreement: “The Subrecipient (Town) shall bear all liability under this Agreement…” Let me repeat: “shall bear all liability under this Agreement.” This is a $68M project! Kristi Henson voted yes for this grant. I voted no.


You need a Mayor who is detailed and who thoroughly reads the documents. Our job on Town Council is not to rubber stamp what Town staff presents to us especially when there has been little communication along the way.

Another example of how I differ from my two opponents is during the June 10, 2024, Town Council meeting when Kristi Henson was talking, Lydia Abril interrupted from the audience (which, of course, was very inappropriate). After a few somewhat heated words back and forth between the two, Kristi  stated “I don’t want to hear your argument.”   

Let me assure you that I do want to hear your arguments as I truly value resident input and I listen to learn! However, our Town Council meetings must be managed to run more smoothly. It is the Mayor’s responsibility, and I am definitely much more diplomatic than my two opponents. I can be very strong but I can also communicate without anger or yelling.


As a reminder, my goals include…

  1. Listen to our residents

  2. Chart a course for intelligent growth to include transportation needs

  3. Strengthen collaboration and teamwork within the Town Council and with the Town Manager

  4. Increase communication and transparency

  5. Work with the Town Council to require the Town Manager to hold frequent planning and update meetings

  6. Recruit resident volunteers with specialized experience and expertise (What a resource this would be!)

  7. Preserve Wickenburg’s western and mining heritage and small-town character

Wickenburg is at a critical juncture and I am the Mayor Wickenburg needs!



April, 2024

My record confirms that I vote to protect the Town and vote for fiscal responsibility. Numerous hours are spent in preparation for each Town Council meeting. I ask many questions, and decisions are made based on merit and research, not emotion or pressure. Most importantly, I listen to the residents!


Experience matters! In 2011 I began attending most of the Town Council meetings and the majority of the Planning and Zoning Advisory Commission meetings. For three years I served on the  Economic Development Advisory Commission and after serving have attended the majority of the EDAC meetings. Since becoming a Town Council member, I have attended an estimated minimum of 80% of all of the Advisory Commission and Committee meetings. It is very important to me to hear the discussions of Commission and Committee members as well as residents. Resident input is essential!


I always listen more than I talk while striving to maintain a state of calmness amidst challenges and stressful situations. Not being overwhelmed by emotions such as anxiety or fear helps me stay focused on the goals and make rational decisions while communicating more effectively with others.

Through strong leadership, I will collaborate with Town Council members and the Town Manager to lead the drive for intelligent growth while preserving Wickenburg’s mining and western heritage, increase transparency, and tackle the concerns of our residents. Wickenburg is at a pivotal point, and the Town Council, Town Manager and staff must work closely as a team to provide the most efficient and effective leadership.


I will go the extra mile for you! My experience and skills coupled with my love of people and a fierce dedication to improvement are what Wickenburg needs!


My extensive and varied work experiences in accounting, administration, and serving as Executive Director of a non-profit organization helped equip me to serve as Mayor. I was raised in the South Plains area of Texas, graduated from Baylor University, have been a successful REALTOR® in Wickenburg and the surrounding area since 2004, and have lived full time in Wickenburg since 2011.


Neighborhood outreach meetings are being planned throughout Wickenburg. If you would like to host a meet-and-greet with your friends and/or neighbors, I would be most grateful for an opportunity to answer questions and more importantly to hear from residents! Please contact me at 928-231-4455.

BG is the one Wickenburg needs!

  • Advocate for Residents

  • Analytical Skills

  • Attention to Detail

  • Bridge Builder

  • Calmness in Midst of Stressful Situations

  • Conservative

  • Committed

  • Diplomatic

  • Ethical

  • Graceful

  • Integrity

  • Listener

  • Openminded

  • Peacemaker

  • Prepared

  • Problem Solver

  • Researcher

  • Servant Leader

  • Team Player

  • Woman of Faith

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